The wait is over with 700 (Q49, V36, AWA 6.0)

So finally I was able to touch the 700 mark. Last two months were really torturous for me and I am sooo happy with the 700. However, I do think that if nerves had not taken better of me in Verbal, I could have managed a 720, but I am happy its over. Now I can think about other important things. In all I have given GMAT thrice to arrive to a 700:

1. September 2011 : 680 (Q46, V37, AWA 6.0) : I was fairly confident during my first attempt and a 700 looked possible. However, I screwed up in quants, could not manage my time well and had to guess last 5-6 questions. So after the exam I thought my quants is not that bad and I can easily manage a 49 so I should retake. I took a week’s break and booked the test for October.

2. October 2011: 620 (Q49, V27, AWA- dint even care to look at AWA) : It was a nightmare and specially when my mock tests were telling a different story. You guys know about it right!! So I went fairly confident for my test this time and was pretty sure of getting something around 720. The AWA went fine and then the quants was ok and I was very calm for verbal as well. I did verbal with patience and on time. Did not rush through any question and somewhere in the middle I even felt that the level of questions were increasing. I completed the test and was expecting to see a 700+, and was shocked to see a 620. A 27 in verbal was unexpected. I was shattered. I had not scored less than 35 in verbal even in the diagnostic test I gave before starting any prep. I was also unable to comprehend the reason for this dismal score. I was really disappointed with myself after this take. It was after my husband counselled me and made me realise that 27 in Verbal is not at all my true potential, I decided to retake.

3. November 2011 : 700 (Q49, V36, got AWA recently:6.0): After my second attempt I was little sceptical of my strategies for Verbal so I revisited the basics. Read the Manhattan SC and Powerscore CR bible again and analyzed all my mistakes during the practise sessions thoroughly. btw…I studied only for 10 days for this attempt as I went on a vacation immediately after the October attempt. Gave two mock tests one Manhattan (750: Q48, V44) and Gprep (710: Q48, V38) and was again confident that the preparation is fine. However, after the second attempt I was little scared of the unexpected. But went to the test centre with complete faith in my abilities.
Test experience: I gave this test in New Delhi, India. AWA went fine, I followed the chineseburned template and trust me it works (I did get a 6.0 in my first attempt using that template only). Started quants fine. The first question was very easy number properties question and was able to solve that in 30 seconds and I am pretty sure that I did the next 5 questions also correct since the difficulty level kept on increasing. But somewhere around 9th question I got a very basic geometry question. So basic that for a minute or so I tried to find the hidden trick in the question. But the question was indeed very basic and I realized that I have done something wrong in the last couple of questions. I gathered myself up and decided not to make any further mistakes. Time was on my side so I double checked every question and I am pretty sure I did not commit any mistake as the difficulty level of questions kept on increasing and I got some real difficult questions on Standard Deviation and some real lengthy word translations. I was however struggling with time in the last 5 questions but managed to crack them all. Verbal went fine and I think I did fine. However I do think that my score was hampered by an incomprehensible RC on some political issue. I also think that if I was little more calm during verbal I may have scored a 38 or 39 but what the hell…I am glad its over.

Study material used:

Manhattan SC – a must read
1000s for SC – however this document had some doubt able questions, it still is a good practice
Powerscore CR bible
LSAT test papers for CR
RC 99

Manhattan strategy guides – again a must read to build up basics
Gmatclub forums – I practiced quants form the forums only.

I am happy with the score and happier that its over. As a final note to fellow test takers, GMAT is not at all about your IQ, its more about your preparation, perseverance and hard work.
All the best!!

6 responses to “The wait is over with 700 (Q49, V36, AWA 6.0)

  1. Hello there! I saw your post at GMAT Club 🙂

    Congratulations on breaking the 700!
    Unfortunately for me though, I am on the same position with your 2nd take.
    On my side i have it switched.. I got 27 on Quant and 48 on Verbal. I was gutted and could not believe my eyes! Because I never went below 40% in my all the CATs including the GMAT Prep CATs. The practice test numbers are a lie… if at all, they only serve as a constant practice but can never show you how you will perform on the actual test. And as you said in your previous entries.. GMAT Quant is a bitch! I know.. LOL! 😛

    Anyway, i am keen on taking the GMAT again – within the month of December. How many days apart were your 2nd and 3rd tests? 🙂

    Thank you and more power in your next phase of your MBA preparation 😀


  2. Hi Dave,

    I can understand the pain. However, the positive thing is that you got a 48 in verbal…which is totally awesome. Improving quants is much easier than verbal. I am sure with good practice you will definitely crack it.

    I took exactly one month between the 2nd and 3rd tests because a gap of one month is mandatory:(

    All the best and lets pray that all quantiative skills of the world bestow upon you at least till your GMAT


  3. Thank you Shveta,
    I’m feeling better know 🙂 I am now able to wrap my head around the situation, pick myself up, dust myself off, and prepare to take another exam 🙂 thank you for the motivation. 🙂


  4. Hi there,

    Congratulations. I recently gave my 2nd attempt and it was a shocker for me as well. I got a dismal 590- Q44, V27. In my prep tests I never scored lesser than 650. In fact GMAT prep 2 i got a 680 and in MGMAT 4 i got a 710, but on the test day I don’t know what happened. My 2nd test experience was pretty much the same what you had. I too went for a vacation of 3 weeks just after my exam and now I’ll start preparing for the gmat again. I’ll start from a mock test and see where I’m and then decide on further strategy.

    I will really appreciate any advice from you, plz shoot me an email.

    Good Luck for your application and your GMAT story is a real insipiration to someone like me.

    Best Regards

  5. Hi Viv,

    Thats really sad. I know how much effort we put into this exam and when result is not close to expectations, it breaks heart. I would be happy to give you advice. An email is coming your way…

    All the best.

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